Welcome To Your Empress Era

Midlife is a portal to more of you; more power, more freedom, more self expression and more truth. It is a powerful rite of passage into more love.

The Empress is a mix of the Lover and the Queen archtypes. She is in her truth, fully whole, in service and in love with lfe. She is the transistion between the Mother archtype and the Crone, living life to the full from her wisdom.

The Empress Era offers the opportunity to bring your energy inward and activate your life, legacy and share your wisdom.

Its one of the most potent times as a women and a portal to more empowerment. Reframe your experience, let go of the past, be at peace with your emotions and speak your truth. Let love in.



Midlife is a portal and path into more love.  

Menopause is a rite of passage and an initation into a deeper knowing of who you are. Your body and mind are changing and your soul will no longer accept anything except who you truly are. 

I had a sudden and acute menopause out of nowhere at the age of 48 with no previous peri menopausal symptoms. I went through a deep metamorphosis of deep grief, self doubt, loss of idenity and hopelessness. I lost weight, couldn't sleep, had an overflow of grief and even suicidal thoughts. It was a dark time of distintegration and loss.

As my cycle ended, I said goodbye to the Mother archetype and had to walk an unknown path to be reborn into the archetype of the Empress; empowered, sovereign, embodied, at peace and in harmony.

To be fully embodied, I had to;


I did this alone and it was hard but I learnt alot and now I have walked the fire, I can now support you through your intiation. 

On the other side for me was MORE LOVE for myself and others, MORE TRUTH, MORE FREEDOM and MORE JOY.

I discovered the EMPRESS inside of me in full sovereign power here to bring joy and love into the lives of all. I took the name Ma Parvati Prema in 2024 am now even more deeply committed to the path of love where all is welcome and we can create heaven on earth for humanity.

I was brave and I found my way home, let me help you do the same to find more peace, bliss and harmony. 

Work by clearing limiting beliefs, come into devotion and embodied expression to metamorphosise into the highest version of you.

The Way Of Metamorphosis Is Truth. 

The Empress Activation is for you if you are;


  • Aged 40-60 and know power is in death and rebirth 
  • Know the portal for change and transformation is always open
  • Want to create a sovereign, juicy and delicious life in midlife
  • Want to energetically master the their midlife and menopause
  • Avoid long term dependancy on HRT
  • Want to embrace all parts of you and heal and connect with your Magical Child Archetype
  • Want to awaken the Empress Archetype within them
  • Be free, be fulfilled and walk the path of love
  • Be at peace and harmony with all.

Here's the truth:

We experience death and rebirth everyday. Do not be afraid.   

When we run, surpress, repress our emotions or make ourselves wrong, we abandon ourselves which causes pain and suffering.

Stop this cycle by coming into wholeness now. Everything is welcome and unity within creates unity outside in family, relationships and the world.

Finally step into your full power of  feminine leadership and create a legacy of love.

"Gayle is such an inspiration. Working with her creates deep transformation."


One To One Midlife Metamorphosis Journey To Your Empress Era

Embrace your midlife as a portal to more freedom, power and authenticity

Clear the past, awaken to who you truly are and live your life unapologetically. Let me mirror to you your highest potential and hold the space for you to become your whole self. 

Two Hour Online Opening Ceremony To Connect To Your Future Self.

Start your journey with the  a deep dive 120 minute opening ceremony to to connect to your future self and your intentions. 

Understanding embodiment practices and rituals with a 60 Minute Deep Dive Session

A deep dive with me to create daily rituals and devotional practices that will change your life so that these become an anchor for creation

Six 60 minute bi monthly calls on Zoom

Let's tackle anything blocking your path to full metamorphosis together with 60 minute calls to activate your power.  

Voxer Access One Day A Week 

Open Voxer access for us to connect between calls once a week where you can share your feelings and reflections on your journey. You are not alone.

Complete the initiation of midlife;

Midlife Metamorphosis Is The Portal Of Awakening The Empress



Stop and be still. Finally deal with unfinished business. Feel, clear, let go. Be at peace and remember that we create our own reality. Stop running from the truth and know yourself.



Who are you? What is your vision, intention, deepest joy? Claim it. Live it. Step fully into love and empowerment with courage and curiousity. 



Create a life of joy and pleasure. Experince more of the magic and flow of life and all it's miracles. Pleasure creates the frequency of joy and ecstasy. Now is the time to welcome this fully. 




Come into union with all parts of you and experience peace. Allow yourself to be still and listen to your intutiation creating a life from a place of awareness. In your sovereign power, you can choose more love for yourself and others. 

It's time...

Embody the energy of the Empress.  

Traditonal feminine archtypes move from the Mother to the Crone. Through more empowerment and pleasure, the powerful wise and balanced archtype of the Empress is here in midlife to create a life of joy, radiance and peace. 

The Empress is full, whole, creates from a place of awareness and intuition. She holds sovereign power and walks the path of love. 

When you show up for yourself, honour your needs and desires and say YES to what makes you feel good, your vibration and energy changes and the world reflects this to us. Express yourself, amplify your gifts, share your medicine and step into knowing yourself fully with everything welcome. 

This is true wealth, power and freedom and it travels with you wherever you go because you ar developing a deep sense of trust, safety and connection with yourself. 

It's time to come home to yourself and know who you are.

One To One Work:

"You have changed my life. I could not have done this without you. "-G


"You are so loving and hold such a tender space. I am always seen, heard and in transformation with you.-L

Ready to activate your power:

Payment in Full Midlife Metamorphosis


Clear the choas and expand into clarity and light


3x MONTHLY Payment Midlife Metamorphosis


Clear the choas and expand into clarity and light


Ready to walk the path?

I'm Gayle also known as Prema.

I walk the path of love and I am a mirror.

I believe that love creates love. Over the last 20 years I have touched the hearts of millions of humans through my work with my global community teaching the power of love. 

Through my embodiment of love leadership and freedom, I have activated mulitple six figure organisations across the world, helped establish a charity and numerous other projects to give back and loved a whole lot of people in the process.

I will help you finally fall in love with yourself, your life and our world through healing, clearing, devotion and activation. 

It's what I do and who I AM.

This has been a 25 year journey...

I mentor from a place of lived experience. I started my business 20 years ago after leaving my job as a project finance lawyer in the city with no time, no money, three children under three and a half years old and no idea! I learnt everything through investing in some of the greatest mentors and programs in the world and through developing and trusting my instincts as well as always keeping connected to my highest vision of love. I am now a devotee to tantra, earth based practices and shamanism.

I have overcome challenges in life such as abuse, serious illness and divorce through my unwavering commitment to gratitude and appreciation of the moment. Everything is here to help you and allow you to grow. We are powerful beyond measure and creators of our own reality.  

I took the name Ma Parvati Prema in 2024 am now even more deeply committed to the path of love where all is welcome and we can create heaven on earth for humanity.

Authencity, honesty and love flows through all I do through my commitment to be 100% me, and serve from that place. 

Growing globally...

"With Gayle's support I could grow globally creating a new branch and being a pioneer in my training and teaching. The impact will be my legacy"-S

Getting clarity on direction:

"I have so many ideas as a creative powerhouse but can't seem to channel and focus them into one concept. Now I can and it's the best thing ever!"-R

You are READY

Trust The Process And The Unknown To Find Peace. 

You are the answer. You are the way. You know but you have forgotten.

Let go of the past versions of you to be born anew. The mystery of life will meet you every time when you drop the resistance. This can only come from trusting and knowing yourself.

I will be the mirror for you and hold the space.If you haven’t realised yet, the resistance and barriers to  starting, growing or scaling are likely to be coming from your conditioned belief system. Once you realise you are the source of your own power and freedom, you get to choose whether to expand with love or to stay connected with limiting beliefs and old stories rooted in the past.

Clearing blocks, letting go and surrendering to life is the path to peace. Let me guide you. 

"Everybody needs a Gayle Day-It will transform your life and anything is possible. She just glows with love"

“It was everything we hoped and needed it to be, it will set us on a new course and importantly is ‘doable"-C


Lets create together

If you would like to chat anything through before we begin, you can book a call with me below.


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